Calendar of Major Events
Toward the aim of connecting, building, teaching and empowering, "we be busy." Check into this online calendar frequently to get some great information that you can
definitely use to better your life and those of your loved ones.
Upcoming Travels 2007 / 6247
After our whirlwind excursions of the past year, 2006 (Gregorian), which included Houston, Philadelphia, New York, Cincinatti, Baltimore, Egypt, United Kingdom and Mexico, we continue this blazing legacy with another year of expansion and networking.
- February - North Caronina State University
- March - Ghana for the 50th Anniversary Celebration
- April - Atlanta for the Bring Back Black Movement Conference
- April - Atlanta for the AliveExpo Health Conference
- July - Kingtson, Jamaica for the Pan Afrikan Movement Summit
- October - Returning to Ghana for the Roots and Culture Tour as well as business development meetings
- November - Coming to Atlanta on November 9th and 10th for a Friday night personal workshop and a Saturday debate on The Great AIDS Hoax. Call for more information 310.673.5423
- More trips to be announced....
- Call for more information 310.673.5423 and to schedule Keidi Awadu as a guest speaker for your event.
Keidi Awadu as Musician with Jumbalaya
Reggae music just like you like it...
- Aloha Grill - Saturday November 3rd from 8-11 PM; 221 Main St. # f, Huntington Beach, CA 92648; (714) 374-4427 ; Also Saturday December 1st
- Panama Joe's - SundayNovember 25th; 3-7 PM; 5100 E 2nd St, Long Beach CA 90803 (562) 434-7417